These are the brand new AirPods Pro and you’ve probably heard all about them by now, some of you have even heard them in person.
When buying a pair of new headphones, I believe that there are six major things you need to consider:
Sound Quality
Battery Life
Special Features
I’ve been using the AirPods Pro’s since they came out on October the 30th, so well over a month now, and I’m finally ready to give you guys my full in-depth review on Apple’s highest end first party headphones.
Spoiler, they’re the best headphones I’ve ever used!
First off I have to say, I am not an audiofile person myself. In terms of overhead “pro” headphones that I’ve used, I’ve used the Audiotechnica M70X’s which are studio monitors, the Audiotechnica M50X’s, and the Beats Solo 2’s. I, of course, have used countless in-ear headphones, from Apple’s original EarPods, to the new EarPods, to the Lightning EarPods, to AirPods, Samsung headphones, HTC headphones, Jaybird X3’s and a few more. So I’ve used a fair amount of headphones, but not as many as possible some of you guys. Just wanted to give you a bit of a background as to where I’m coming from in terms of the sound quality.
So how is the Sound Quality on the AirPods Pro’s? Well, they’re good. They’re not the best sounding truly wireless headphones on the market, the Sony ones are better and there’s a few other better options in terms of the sound quality, but they’re still very good.
When I compared the new AirPods to the originals I certainly felt that the new ones had much richer mids and definitely more bass than the originals. It’s kinda like the difference between the 2019 15” MacBook Pro and the new 16” MacBook Pro, where you can just hear more with the new 16”’s speakers, so that’s great!
The addition of the rubber seals means that sound is less likely to escape
But what makes the AirPods Pro sound even better now is the fact that they’re now finally in-ear headphones. They now have a rubber seal, which is something that you can find on pretty much any other pair of headphones on the market right now, which helps seal the sound coming from the AirPods, so that pretty much no sound escapes. You can pretty much say goodbye to people around you hearing everything that you listen to, at least on medium volume. But, this seal also improves the sound quality simply by the fact that less sound escapes from your ear.
More about that eartip once I get to the comfortability section of the video, but there is one more feature that improves the sound quality, and that is the Active Noise Cancellation. So like I said before, the ear tips help to prevent sound escaping from your ear, but at the same time they also help prevent external ambient sound from entering your ear. Overall, they do offer a passive noise cancellation on their own, but Apple’s added Active Noise Cancellation makes it even better. The way it works is that the AirPods Pro now have an outward facing microphone which is this long black grill on the stem which picks up all the ambient noise around you and then the AirPods themselves emit a counter noise of opposite frequency that cancels out the background noise.
I wasn’t sure how well this would work when I heard about it, but it works much better than I expected. If you’re in a place where there’s a lot of the same consistent noise, such as on a bus, a train, a plane, it’s very easy for the AirPods Pro to cancel out that background noise, since it can predict the pattern that’s coming up next. However, when it comes to cancelling out voices or unexpected sounds that don’t have a pattern, you’ll still be able to hear them, just not as loud. But I can definitely say that when I’m waking on the street and I have my AirPods Pro in, with Noise Cancelling on, it just immerses me so much in the music or the podcast that I’m listening to. It’s a world apart from the regular AirPods and even when I’m outdoors it sounds like I’m still in my bedroom with zero background noise.
The three new modes for the AirPods Pro allow you to control how much noise cancellation you want to have
Now, some of you might be like, “oh, well , we actually preferred the regular AirPods, since you can still hear your surroundings, rather than being cut out from the world entirely”, and I agree, I’m actually like that as well. But the good news is that you can still do that. You can actually turn off Noise Cancelling mode and just have the passive noise cancelling, but if that’s not enough and you want that regular AirPods open back feel to them, you can actually enable a third mode called Transparency Mode. What this does is that it uses the external microphones I talked about before, to literally let background audio in this time, so that you can hear everything that’s happening around you. To be fair, it’s pretty amazing! It’s not as open backed as the regular AirPods were, but it’s very close. My slight issue with it is that you can hear some distortion since the sound is picked up by the microphone rather than your ear, so you do feel like a cyborg in a way.
But to give you an example of how useful Transparency Mode is, I was able to go into a store, order some food and speak to the store assistant without even removing my AirPods Pro. I had them in my ear and I just held the side button which switches between Noise Cancelling and Transparency mode, and I was easily able to hear what the other person was saying, and when the conversation was done, I just re-enabled Noise Cancelling and boom, I was in my own world again. It was just amazing, this is something we do not have on any other headphones on the market right now, and it’s actually my favourite feature in a product of this year.
So as important as sound quality is, if a pair of in-ear headphones are not comfortable to wear they are near useless. So how comfy are the AirPods Pro?
Well, surprisingly, they’re more comfortable than the original AirPods, thanks to the silicone eartips. With these they just float in your ears so nicely, and they also fit so much better than the regular AirPods did, so that’s great!
Now when you open up the box you actually get three different pair of eartips; small, medium and large, with the medium ones pre-installed. This is something that you get with pretty much every single pair of in-ear headphones, but what’s unique about Apple’s eartips is that they have a brand new attaching mechanism. This means that they are extremely difficult to remove, to the point where I actually though that I was going to break them, but they are extremely easy to put back on, as they just click in place. The downside of this first party fitting mechanism is that you have to use Apple’s own eartips, which are good, but I would’ve loved to have the option to test some foam eartips as well, that expand in your ear and provide and even better seal. I’m pretty sure that third party manufactures will start selling those at some point, but until then you have to stick to Apple’s own eartips.
The Ear Tip Test lets you know if the tips you have attached are the right ones for your ears
Now, when you buy any other in-ear headphones, you need to try multiple eartips for each of your ears and see which ones fit best, which is fine. But the AirPods Pro have this really amazing feature where, they will emit some sound and tell you in the setup process itself, if you have a good fit or not. This is thanks to the external microphone which is able to pick up the amount of sound that escapes from your ear and if that amount exceeds a certain level, it will tell you to change the eartip. Nice!
Also, one of the main complaints that some people had with in-ear headphones is that some of them isolate so well, that they create this pressure in your ear canal and they actually hurt. But, I’m glad to say that the AirPods Pro do not have this issues, and that’s because the top grill is actually an air vent that helps equalise the pressure. I have to say, it’s not as good as not having overheads that don’t go in your ear, or even the regular AirPods, as you’ll still feel a bit of pressure but nowhere near as much as you would with any other in-ear headphones. So I really do like that.
So overall, they’re definitely more comfortable than the original AirPods, just with a tiny bit more air pressure, especially when Active Noise Cancelling is enabled.
Ok, pretty good so far! Great sound quality, great comfortability so now, how’s the battery life?
Well, it’s similar to the regular AirPods, as in we get 24 hours with the charging case on both, but the battery life on the AirPods themselves is a bit different. So rather than five hours like we get with the regular AirPods, we get four and a half hours with the AirPods Pro. But this is actually with Noise Cancelling turned on. If you turn it off, you would get five hours, which is the same as before. However, we do get up to three and a half hours of talk time compared to three hours on the regular AirPods, so talk time has actually been improved.
But I do have two small complaints in terms of the battery life. The first one being that they still have a lightning port, and I do get why, because the iPhone 11 Pro’s still have a lightning port. But the MacBook’s have USB C, the iPad Pro also has USB C, and USB C isn’t even the future anymore, it’s the present! If Apple does finally switch to USB C next year, the AirPods Pro would be the only one that would be left behind. So, that’s quite inconvenient.
Also, whilst they do support wireless charging, which is great, the iPhone 11 Pro max does not support reverse wireless charging like the Samsung Galaxy S and Note series, or Huawei phones do, meaning that you cannot charge them from the back of the iPhone, like you can with Samsung’s Galaxy Buds or even the AirPods Pro, if you do have a Samsung phone. But that is more of a complaint towards the iPhone 11 Pro’s, not necessarily the AirPods Pro themselves.
Now, what special features do the AirPods Pro have that make them stand out from the competition, I hear you ask?
Well, aside from things such as the Transparency mode and the vent and the EarTip test, which are all unique to the AirPods Pro, we do get quite a few new special features.
First, they’re sweat and water resistant now with an IPX4 rating. Unfortunately, this means that you can’t swim with them in, but if you’re outdoors running and it’s raining these would last fine, whereas the previous AirPods might have broken. Also if you do go to the gym, these are now even better thanks to the sweat resistance and the added rubber seals, which make them stay in place unlike the original AirPods.
Secondly, we have the Hey Siri support. This is something that the AirPods 2 came with, which were introduced back in March 2019. But it’s pretty awesome being able to just say the Siri command and play any song that you want, read messages, news, do anything that you would do with Siri on your iPhone, without having to take your phone out of the pocket. This is extremely useful when you’re running outdoors.
The small indentation seen here is the new control button for the AirPods Pro
Thirdly, you do have a brand new control button. So before, with the regular AirPods, you had to double tap on the stem in order for the accelerometer to detect the tap, which was quite bad because most of the times it didn’t work. With the AirPods Pro, we have a long button which you have to physically hold and then press. Then if you press it once you play or pause a song, if you press it twice you swipe forward, press it three times to skip backwards and then you press and hold to switch between Active Noise Cancelling and Transparency Mode. Also, something quite cool is that when you tap on the control button, you can feel and hear it click but it doesn’t move at all. Instead, the AirPods Pro create this sound that mimics a click.
Overall, it’s definitely an improved control system over the original AirPods, but I would’ve loved to see a volume control. You see, every time I need to change the volume, I have to either take my phone out to do it, or ask Siri which is awkward if you’re in a public space, or use the Apple Watch which does work very well but you need to have an Apple Watch as well in that case.
Then finally, what I consider to be the best special feature about the AirPods Pro is the Apple ecosystem. You just open up the lid and they instantly connect to your iPhone, and then you can easily switch to using them on your iPad, your Mac, your Apple Watch, your Apple TV, pretty much any Apple product and that’s just amazing! Now, I have had issues in terms of connecting to my Mac, which is something that I’ve had issues with with the previous AirPods as well. So while iOS connection is very smooth, connecting and switching to a Mac still has some occasional glitches. You can indeed connect them to any other non-Apple product as well, Android phones, Windows laptop and any other smartTV that has Bluetooth.
However, I would say to not buy these if you don’t have a least one Apple product you plan on using them with, because outside of the Apple ecosystem, the volume is extremely low on these for some reason, and the equaliser is all gone so they don’t sound as good. Noise Cancelling does work but you lose many of the Apple functionality like auto-play and pause when you put them in your ears and take them out.
Now, if a pair of headphones has nailed all of these categories, which the AirPods Pro have, then the last thing aside from the value that I care about, is the design.
A design comparison between the AirPods Pro (Left) and the original AirPods (Right)
Well, first off these are very different from the original AirPods design wise. They’re now short and fat, compared to long and thin, but they still have the same AirPods look where they just look odd and unlike anything else on the market right now. This means that they will definitely stand out in public, if that’s what you’re after. I personally don’t think they look bad, just unusual.
The same goes for the case itself, it’s short and fat compared to long and thin like the previous one was. It is noticeably wider, but at the same time it now opens horizontally, rather than vertically. So, if you put both of them side by side, vertically, there isn’t that much of a difference between the two. The Pro case is thicker and taller but it still fits in my pocket so I’m fine with that. It’s still noticeably smaller than any other wireless headphones case on the market, including the Galaxy Buds which already has one of the smallest cases.
They come in the same glossy white plastic, but personally I would’ve loved to see these in matte black. I’m guessing Apple is keeping that for a special edition or something, so that they can sell more but until then we only have white.
Then last, but not least, the value, are the AirPods Pro worth it? Well, at $250/£250 in the UK they are quite expensive. They are a very similar price to the Sony WF-1000XM3, which do sound better, but have a gigantic case which isn’t pocketable by any means. But if you have an Android phone then get the Sony’s and not the AirPods.
Otherwise, they’re a very good pair of headphones, definitely the best option for any Apple user. But if you already have a pair of AirPods, unless you have the 1st gen and the battery life is really bad, I wouldn’t suggest upgrading to the Pro’s.
But if you do have the original AirPods or a different pair of headphones and you plan on getting the AirPods Pro, you won’t be disappointed in any way.